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Locked4Kids Wallet Box and Carton samples
Erleben Sie unsere neue Wallet Box oder den bewährten Karton aus erster Hand!
  • Kindersicher, seniorenfreundlich
  • ISO/EN 8317 und F=1 US16 CFR 1700.20 zertifiziert
  • Erhältlich in einer Reihe von Größen und Anwendungen
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Seniorenfreundliche Verpackung

Verpackungen, die kindersicher, aber für Erwachsene und Senioren leicht zu öffnen sind.
Locked4Kids hat eine Verpackung entwickelt, die weder Kraft noch schwierige Bewegungen der Hand oder des Handgelenks erfordert, um sie zu öffnen. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr darüber zu erfahren.

Die Notwendigkeit seniorenfreundlicher Verpackungen

That the senior demographic is the fastest-growing demographic in many countries, is a well-known development. Still, there are very few companies that actually focus on them when it comes to their products. Yet they should. The senior demographic is not only going to continue to grow as the life expectancy grows, seniors are also often long-term clients. Oftentimes, seniors become loyal customers when they find a product they like and will not switch to a different product that easily.

Seniors often face problems opening different types of products, especially products that are not meant to be opened easily by children. That is why senior friendly packaging is necessary. Many elderly people do not have the strength or ability to open regular child-resistant product packages. These packages often contain medicine, which many elderly people need. And if they can physically open it, they often still need someone to explain to them how it works first. Why? Because their deteriorating eyesight inhibits them from being able to read the small printing on the package.

That is where Locked4Kids excels. The Locked4Kids packaging has not only been tested on child-resistance, but a large part of the focus was also on senior-friendliness. Locked4Kids has developed packaging that requires no strength or difficult movements of the hand/wrist to open it.

Außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse bei der Prüfung

None of the problems mentioned above are the case for the packaging of Locked4Kids. There are no difficult instructions printed on the senior friendly packaging, because it is simply not difficult to open. Testing has showed a striking balance between accessibility and safety. One of the main findings was that even without instructions, 100% of the seniors managed to easily open the senior friendly packaging. What’s more, not a single child was able to open that same packaging within the first five minutes. The packaging did not even have a pictogram printed on the carton that would explain how it should be opened, because it proved not to be necessary. Seniors were able to open the packaging anyway, with ease. Read more about the various types of carton packaging.

Offiziell zertifiziert

Testing showed incredible results. Not only when tested on children, but on seniors as well. This has resulted inLocked4Kids becoming certified in both the USA and Europe: US16 CFR 1700.20 and ISO 8317. To receive these certifications, the senior friendly packaging had to be tested in different testing facilities that belong to the IBE-BVI in Belgium, who are ISO 17025 certified.

Reasons to choose Locked4Kids’ senior friendly packaging

Need more convincing on the advantages of our senior friendly packaging? We have summed up the main reasons why this type of packaging is the way to go:

·       Ease of use for seniors: The packaging is designed to be accessible for older adults, requiring minimal strength or complex hand movements. This makes it practical for those with limited dexterity.

·       Proven effectiveness: Rigorous testing has shown that 100% of seniors can open the packaging without instructions, while it effectively prevents children from accessing the contents, offering a reliable dual-purpose solution.

·       Certified safety: Locked4Kids' packaging meets stringent international safety standards, including ISO 8317 and US16 CFR 1700.20. This ensures that it is child-resistant while remaining easy for seniors to open.

·       Versatility: Locked4Kids offers various packaging formats, such as Wallet Boxes and Cartons, that can be tailored to fit a wide range of products, including pharmaceuticals and household goods.

·       Industry-leading innovation: As a pioneer in child-resistant and senior friendly packaging,Locked4Kids continues to set the standard for combining safety, accessibility, functionality, ensuring peace of mind for manufacturers and end-users alike.

Leicht zu öffnen für Senioren, aber dennoch kindersichere Verpackung.

Leicht zu öffnen für Senioren, aber dennoch kindersichere Verpackung.

Senioren haben oft Probleme, verschiedene Produkte zu öffnen, vor allem solche, die von Kindern nicht leicht geöffnet werden können. Deshalb sind seniorenfreundliche Verpackungen notwendig.

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Child resistant Wallet Box and Carton

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